win7下 Windows Process Activation Service 服务导致的 iis无法启动的解决方法


进服务看,是World Wide Web Publishing Service(www服务)没有启动,右键启动www服务,提示1086错误,依赖的Windows Process Activation Service 服务没有启动。

再去看 Windows Process Activation Service(WAS服务),处于停止状态,果断右键启动它,提示:错误:6801  指定资源管理器中的事务支持未启动或已关闭。



IIS services fail if WAS fails    

You may receive "Windows could not start the Windows Process Activation Service - Error 6801: Transaction support within the specified resource manager is not started or was shut down due to an error" error message and IIS services fail to start. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the IIS and WAS roles/features with no luck. The following command (assumes that the system drive is c:) helped:

fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\


在开始-》运行命令框里,输入:fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\ 后回车解决了问题。
